Below you can submit your questions and it will be forwarded anonymously to the proper elected official to answer. You can submit your question directly from your e-mail account, or you can click the LINK below to set up an anonymous e-mail account via MSN.mail, or you can mail your question to our P.O. BOX in Holland without a return address on the envelope.

Once your question is answered the Q&A will be posted right here for the resident to review.

If this website/forum is successful an individual will be appointed to represent Holland-Residents so that our elected officials run this community the way the majority desire. expects the mayor/council to have townhall meetings to discuss ideas in an open forum with input from the residents prior, not after, a decision is made.

The website will include lots of opinion, not just fact. We want residents to post their disagreements and support alike. If you are having a issue with the local government and would like the public to know about it, this is were you start. wants to air out future issues since re-hashing the past most likely won't accomplish much. If you don't like a new proceedure lets elect a council that will reverse an ordinance.

Think some council members/mayor have been around long enough, well lets work on that.